Catharine Stengel b. 5 NOV 1808 , France d. 6 FEB 1853 Kitchener, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada: Waterloo Region Generations
The Last Will and Testament of Catharine Higlin, widow.
I, Catharine Higlin, of Village of Berlin, widow of the late Jacob Higlin of same place, Inn Keeper, deceased, being at present of sound mind and memory…do make and constitute these presents as my Last Will and Testament…Whereas the said late husband's own Will and Testament, dated the seventeenth of April 1850, and proven on the eighth of February 1853, did leave all the property left by him into my hands, possession and disposal, therefore do I now in power and virtue of his said Will direct and ordain, that all the real and personal property left by me shall be sold by my hereinafter mentioned Executors as soon as it conveniently can and may be after my decease to the best advantage of my estate, and the proceeds thereof put out on interest for the welfare of my children, to be portioned out to them in equal share and be paid over to them as they come of age, son Ferdinand, when Twenty one years old and my daughters, Catharine and Wilhelmine when eighteen years old. My said son Ferdinand is to be put out to some trade according to his own liking, and my daughters shall also be put to earn their living. My real property consists of the property on which I now do live on the South side of King, West of Cedar street, of about three roods (Rood is an English unit of area, equal to one quarter of an acre) ; a small lot of about one rood on the East side of Cedar Street, and one lot of about one acre on the north side of King Street, with barn and stables thereon, all in Berlin aforesaid. I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my well-beloved brother Jacob Kramer, of the said Village of Berlin, Stocking Weaver, and Henry Eby of the same place, Gentleman, as my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament… I especially charge them to see to the welfare of the children, and that they do get their proper schooling. I also empower and authorize them in the sale of my Real Estate to grant, execute and deliver to the purchasers thereof good and sufficient deeds of conveyance thereof, and do also all other matters and things, instruments and writings which they all and will deem proper…
Will Dated 6th February 1853
Witnesses Jost Stroh and Johannes Haller
Proven 14th March 1853
Died [not entered]
Inventory rendered £82/11/8
Note: Catherine was a sponsor at the baptism of Jacob Kraemer and Catherin Marzolf's daughter Christina on 15 Apr 1850.
Will Dated 6th February 1853
Witnesses Jost Stroh and Johannes Haller
Proven 14th March 1853
Died [not entered]
Inventory rendered £82/11/8
Note: Catherine was a sponsor at the baptism of Jacob Kraemer and Catherin Marzolf's daughter Christina on 15 Apr 1850.
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