Monday, December 22, 2014

The Guyon, Laforest, Hueglin Connection

Marie Laforest, David Hueglin Connection

Jean Jacques Guyon dit Du Buisson Link was born on Sep 18, 1592, in Mortagne, France, the child of Jacques Guyon and Marie Huet.

He married Mathurine Robin in 1615 in Mortagne.

He died on May 30, 1663, in Beauport, Canada, at the age of 70, and was buried in Quebec City.

Jean Jacques is a common ancestors of Marie Andree Laforest by way of his daughter Barbe Guyon  and David Earle Hueglin by way of his son Jean Guyon Link.

The following is an outline of how Marie Andree Laforest and David Earl Hueglin share this common ancestor.

When Barbe Guyon was born on Apr 19, 1617, in Mortagne, France, her father, Jean, was 24. She married Pierre Paradis on Feb 11, 1632, in her hometown.  She died on Nov 27, 1700, in Quebec City, at the age of 83 years.

Madeleine Paradis was born on Jul 3, 1653, in Quebec City, the child of Pierre Paradis and Barbe Guyon. She married Nicolas Roussin on Nov 28, 1667, in Montmorency. She died as a teenager on Nov 29, 1669, in L’Ange-Gardien, and was buried in Chateau Richer.

Madeline Marie Roussin was born on Nov 25, 1669, in Chateau Richer, the child of Nicolas Roussin and Madeleine Paradis. She married Pierre Tremblay on Nov 15, 1685, in Montmorency. She died in 1752 in Charlevoix, at the age of 82 years, and was buried in Quebec City.

Nicolas Tremblay was born on Jan 22, 1699, in Baie-St-Paul, the child of Pierre Tremblay and Madeline Marie Paradis. He married Louise Simard on Jan 18, 1724, in his hometown. He died on Aug 16, 1748, in St Paul, at the age of 49, and was buried in Quebec City.

Basile Tremblay was born on Dec 28, 1724, in Baie-St-Paul, the child of Nicolas Trembley and Louise Simard. He married Marie-Françoise Terrien on Feb 7, 1752, in Les Éboulements. He died on Jul 29, 1803, in Les Éboulements, at the age of 78 years, and was buried in Quebec City.

Andre Sauveur Tremblay was born on Oct 31, 1760, in Les Éboulements, the child of Basile Tremblay and Marie-Françoise Terrien. He married Marguerite Ursule Gagnon on Sep 4, 1781, in his hometown. He died in 1823 at the age of 62.

Joseph Marie Tremblay was born on Oct 15, 1786, in Les Éboulements, the child of Andre Sauveur Tremblay and Marguerite Ursule Gagnon. He married Marie Christine Théophilie Martel on Aug 11, 1820, in Quebec City. He died on Oct 13, 1837, in his hometown, at the age of 50.

Pierre Goliath Tremblay was born on May 10, 1832, in Les Éboulements, the child of Joseph Marie Tremblay and Marie Christine Théophilie Martel. He married Marie Olympe Tremblay in 1852 in Charlevoix. He died in 1870 at the age of 37.

Joseph Tremblay was born in Feb 1853 in Quebec City, the child of Pierre Goliath Tremblay and Marie Olympe Tremblay. He married Marie Vitaline Girard on Jun 26, 1876, in Laterrière.

Arthur Adélard Tremblay was born in Apr 1878 in Quebec City, the child of Joseph Tremblay and Marie Vitaline.

Alice Tremblay was born in Apr 1902 in Quebec City, the child of Arthur Adélard Tremblay and Annabelle Tremblay. She married Télesphore Bouchard

Aline Bouchard, the child of Télesphore Bouchard and Alice Tremblay, married Pierre Laforest.

Marie Andree Laforest, the child of Pierre Laforest and Aline Bouchard, married David Earle Hueglin.
When Jean Guyon was born on 18 Sep 1592, in in Mortagne, France, his father, Jean Jacques, was xx. He married Elizabeth Coulliard on 27 Nov 1645, in Quebec. He died on 13 Jan 1694, in Chateau Richer, at the age of xx.

Joseph Guyon was born on Sep 10, 1649, in Quebec City, the child of Jean Guyon and Elizabeth Coulliard. He married Genevieve Cloutier on Jan 29, 1674, in Chateau Richer. He died on Sep 8, 1712, in Portneuf, at the age of 62.

Angelique Guyon was born in 1677 in Chateau Richer, the child of Joseph Guyon and Genevieve Cloutier. She married Jacques Letourneau on Feb 8, 1694, in Mauricie. She died on Mar 13, 1718, in Quebec City, at the age of 41.

Marie Angelique Letourneau was born on Mar 12, 1697, in Champlain, the child of Jacques Letourneau and Angelique Guyon. She died on Feb 10, 1765, in St Maurice, at the age of 67.

Marie Madeleine Leboeuf was born on Dec 23, 1731, in Maskinongé, the child of Jean Baptiste Leboeuf and Marie Angelique Letoutneau . She married Gabriel Rochefort dit Gervais on Nov 16, 1750, in Quebec City.

Jean Baptiste Gervais  I was born on Oct 13, 1753, in Quebec City, the child of Gabriel Rochefort dit Gervais and Marie Madeleine Leboeuf. He married Marie Josephte Arcouet dit Lajeunesse on Sep 25, 1775, in Châteauguay. He died in 1809 at the age of 55.

Jean Baptiste Gervais II was born on Oct 4, 1776, in Quebec City, the child of Jean Baptiste Gervais I and Marie Josephte Arcouet dit Lajeunesse. He married Catherine Mercier on Nov 6, 1809, in Les Cèdres. He died in 1811 at the age of 34.

Jean Baptiste Gervais III was born on Jul 6, 1811, in Île-Perrot, the child of Jean Baptiste Gervais II and Catherine Mercier. He married Marie Josephte Auger. He died on May 2, 1887, in Stoney Point, at the age of 75 years, and was buried there.

Jean Baptiste Gervais IV was born on Jul 15, 1832, in Beauharnois, the child of Jean Baptiste Gervais III and Marie Josephte Auger. He died on Dec 23, 1916, in Stoney Point, at the age of 84, and was buried there.

Achille Ovila Gervais was born on Aug 6, 1886, in Stoney Point, the child of Jean Baptiste Gervais IV and Théotiste Desjarlais. He married Émilie (Millie) Meloche on Oct 19, 1914, in Windsor. He died on Jan 21, 1980, in Windsor, at the age of 93, and was buried there.

Gladys Gervais was born on Nov 23, 1915, in Walkerville, the child of Achille Ovila Gervais and Émilie (Millie) Meloche. She married Ross Earle Agla on Nov 2, 1935, in her hometown. She died on Sep 29, 1996, in Windsor, at the age of 80, and was buried in Chatham.

Barbara June Agla, the child of Ross Earle Agla and Gladys Gervais, married James Eugene Hueglin.

David Earle Hueglin, the child of James Eugene Hueglin and Barbara June Agla, married Marie Andree Laforest.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

La Grande Recrue de 1653

The year 2003 marked the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Great Recruitment, the 100 or so men who came to save the fledgling colony, in Montreal. The same ship also carried a few women, including Jeanne Voidy, a fille a marier, and one of June's ancestors.

Much of their story is told here and here

Of the men, the following are June's ancestors: Jean Auger dit le Baron, Isaac-Urbain Brossard, Pierre Chauvin dit Le Grande, Fiacre Ducharme dit Lafontaine, and Gilles Lauzon.

Some detail on the aforementioned is as follows.
Jeanne Voidy (Vedie)
Naissance: 1637 vers, Paroisse/ville: St-Germain-du-Val, Angers, Pays: France
Décès: 01 décembre 1708 - âge: 71, Paroisse/ville: Quebec, Pays: Canada
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Famille Jean Dumais et Jeanne Vedie au complet (12 enfants) vérifiée avec PRDH
Arrivée à Montréal le 16-11-1653
(CT 04-10 Closse) avec Jean Demers
Elle avait 16 ans lors de son mariage. Elle est arrivée en Nouvelle-France en compagnie de Marguerite Bourgeois, le 16 octobre 1653 à Montréal. Contrat de mariage passé devant Lambert Closse, le 4 octobre 1654. Elle fut inhumé le 3 dec. 1708 dans le cimetière de la paroisse notre-dame de québec,co.québec,sous le nom de jeanne voidi,veuve de feu jean dumets agée d'environ 75 ans,en présence de jean et rené dumets,jean brassard et autres. (Denise Evans)
Jean Auger dit le Baron
Occupation: Tissier, tanneur
Born: about 1621, Parish/City: Chemire-en-Charnie, Le Mans, Maine, Country: France
Death: 17 November 1697 - Age: 76, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Engagé La Flèche le 30-3-1653
Arrive seul le 16-11-1653, Montréal et sa femme et son fils arrivent plus tard
Isaac-Urbain Brossard
Occupation: Maitre macon
Christening: 04 January 1633, Parish/City: Faubourg St-Germain, La Fleche, Angers, Anjou, Sarthe, Country: France
Burial: 17 April 1710 - Age: 77, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Engagé le 12-4-1653 La Flèche
Arrivé le 16-11-1653 Montréal
(CT 03 Basset) avec Urbaine Hodiau
Fils de Mathurin et Michelle Bidaut mariés au Faubourg St-Germain, La Fleche, Angers, Anjou
Il est né dans le faubourg Saint-Germain-de-Val à La Flèche. Sa sœur Marie a été baptisée à La Flèche (St-Thomas) le 26-09-1635. Une autre soeur Françoise, née en 1646, a épousée Jean Hautreux à la Flèche (St-Thomas) le 25 février 1672.
Pierre Chauvin dit LeGrand
Occupation: Meunier
Born: about 1637, Parish/City: St-Vion, La Fleche, Maine,Country: France
Death: 04 August 1699 - Age: 62, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de René Chauvin et Catherine Avard
30 ans au recensement 1667
Engagé le 04-04-1653 à La Flèche et arrive à Montréal le 16-11-1653
CT 15 Basset avec Marthe Hautreux
Fiacre Ducharme dit Lafontaine
Occupation: Menuisier
Born: 1625, Parish/City: Paris, St-Benoit, Country: France
Burial: 17 March 1677 - Age: 52, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de Toussaint et Jacqueline Drouet
Fiacre Ducharme dit Fontaine was a master woodworker who married fille à marier Marie Pacreau in 1659. He also served as corporal the 18th squadron of Montreal’s Sainte-Famille militia.
Gilles Lauzon
Occupation: Chaudronnier
Born: about 1627, Parish/City: St-Julien, Caen, Calvados, Country: France
Burial: 21 September 1687 - Age: 60, Parish/City: Montréal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de Pierre et Anne Boivin de St-Julien, Caen, Bayeux, Calvados, Normadie
Arrivé le 16-11-1653 Montréal
Sépulture PRDH

Monday, October 20, 2014

Life of Jean Valiquet

Jean Valiquet, June's 8th Great Grandfather

 Ville-Marie was founded in 1642, by the members of the Société Notre-Dame de Montréal. After ten years of effort, the existence of the colony is in danger and reinforcements are necessary in order to ensure its survival. Jeanne Mance persuades Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve, founder of Montreal, to go to France and recruit colonists to breathe new life into the colony. With the support of Jerome Royer, de Dauversière, a recruitment campaign takes place in Maine and Anjou, in particular in the area of La Flèche, in order to engage a minimum of 100 men. The objective was achieved.

Between May and March 1653, 117 men sign contracts of service for a period from three to five years towards the Compagnie de Montréal. On July 20, 1653, 102 of these men, accompanied by M. de Maisonneuve, embark from Saint-Nazaire, on the Saint-Nicolas de Nantes. Marguerite Bourgeoys and thirteen young women also form part of the travelers. This group of immigrants will, from now on, be known under the name of the Grande Recrue de 1653 (Great Recruit of 1653) by the Quebec genealogists. After a painful crossing, the ship lands in Quebec on September 22, 1653. On November 16, 1653, the Grande Recrue arrives at Ville-Marie.

The year 2003 marks the 350th birthday of this event which ensured the survival and the development of Ville-Marie. Several of these volunteers married and left descendants bearing today the evocative names of Cadieu, Deschamps, Livernois and several others. Within the rolls of the Grand Recrue de 1653, appear the ancestor of the Valiquette families.

Jean Valiquet, son of Jean Valiquet and Nicole Langevin, was baptized on July 14, 1632 in the parish of Saint-Vincent du Lude, county of La Sarthe, located 20 kilometers to the south-west of La Fleche in Anjou. He signed his contract of service on April 16, 1653, as a clearer and a ploughman for five years, with the expectation of annual wages of 80 livres.

After completing his contract, Jean Valiquet is establishes himself in New-France and practices his trade of metal worker and arms manufacturer, in support of cultivating grounds at Isle de Montreal and within Boucherville. he receives his first land concession, May 17, 1659. We can find in the solicitors records other transactions and contracts of acquisition of land during following years.

September 23, 1658 is celebrated the marriage of Jean Valiquet with Renee Loppé, daughter of Jean Loppé and Marie Desprez, natives of Saint-Jean de La Mothe, another locality of Anjou. From this union were born eight children between 1660 and 1676. Only four of them will live to the age of marriage. Pierre, progenitor of the line, marries Marie-Élisabeth Campeau, August 15, 1701. The three girls marry men bearing the names of Ledoux, Dupre and Martinbault. Renee Loppé dies before March 1679. She is thus saved from the scandal which strikes her husband, and especially his/her children. (did a daughter Helene also marry Jacques Pilet?)

September 7, 1679, Jean Valiquet is arrested for molestation by the bailliage of Montreal and condemned to be hung on the public place until dead. On 27 October, Valiquet appeals this sentence in front of the sovereign Council of Quebec. The reading of the minutes of the lawsuit describes the charges carried against Valiquet. Thus, "Valiquet declared is reached and convinced to have carnal copulation with the older[?] of his daughters, and to have made an attempt to seduce of others two ". November 21, 1679, thanks to the presentation of extenuating circumstances and with the testimony of Jacques Milot, his sentence is commuted to banishment with perpetuity from the island of Montreal. Moreover, all the goods of Valiquet are confiscated.

Valiquet becomes thus a wandering Canadian, living in the area of Quebec, in particular in Lauzon, where he works for other inhabitants. Between 1684 and 1688, in company of Pierre Houdan, he farms the land and fields of the Dauteuil seigniory. In 1692, he rents land from Jean-Baptist Céloron, located at Sainte-Marie. Jean Valiquet dies, penniless, August 20, 1696, in the Hospital of Quebec.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Marriageable Women Narrative

Between 1634 and 1663, 262 filles à  marier or "marriageable girls" emigrated to New France representing one quarter of all the single girls arriving in New France through 1673. They were recruited and chaperoned by religious groups or individuals who had to assure and account for their good conduct. In general, they were poor, although there were some members of the petty nobility among their ranks.

As opposed to the Filles du Roi who emigrated between 1663 and 1673, the filles à  marier came alone or in small groups. They were not recruited by the state and did not receive a dowry from the King. They were promised nothing but the possibility of a better life. If they survived the perils of the crossing, they lived with the daily threat of death at the hands of the Iroquois. If they survived the Iroquois, they had to deal with the hard life of subsistence farming, harsh winters spent in a log cabin that they may have helped build, epidemics of smallpox and "fever" and difficult and often dangerous childbirth.

Crossing the Atlantic was a dangerous undertaking in the 1600s, and it is estimated that 10% of all passengers en route to New France died during the crossing. Sickness and disease were the main factors contributing to deaths at sea. Passengers were forced to share the hull with livestock that was either being shipped to the colony or served as meals during the crossing. While the passengers may have been permitted on deck during good weather and calm seas, storms forced their confinement to the hull where they were shut in not only with the livestock, but also with the odor of latrine buckets, seasickness and the smoky lanterns used for lighting. The climate and close quarters fostered the rapid spread of diseases such as scurvy, fever and dysentery. Under such conditions, very little could be done for those who were suffering. The method for dealing with the dead was to sew them up in their blankets and throw them overboard during the night.

The filles à  marier chose to emigrate under perilous conditions to a wilderness colony because the advantages offered by the colony were great enough to make them forget the dangers of the crossing and rude character of colonial life. In France, the girls would have had little or no choice in their marriages because arranged marriages were the norm for the artisan and working classes as well as for the elite. Parental consent was required for men under the age of 30 and women under the age of 25. Young girls were placed in convent schools or pensions only to await a marriage in which they had no choice or to become a nun. In New France, these women could choose whom they wanted to marry and had the freedom to change their minds before the marriage took place.Most of the filles à  marier belonged to the rural class and were the daughters of peasants and farmers. A small number were from urban families, the daughters of craftsmen, day laborers and servants, while an even smaller number were the daughters of businessmen, civil servants, military men and the petty nobility. Their average age was 22, and more than one-third had lost at least one parent. About 20% were related to someone who was already a colonist. 

Most were married within a year of their arrival in New France. While waiting to find a husband, many of the girls lodged with religious communities --either the Ursulines in Quebec City or the Filles de la Congregation Notre-Dame in Montreal-- although about 100 filles à  marier lodged with individuals.Peter J. Gagné has defined the qualifications to be considered a fille à  marier as follows:
Must have arrived before September 1663
Must have come over at marriageable age (12 thru 45)
Must have married or signed a marriage contract at least once in New France or have signed an enlistment contract
Must not have been accompanied by both parents
Must not have been accompanied by or joining a husband
[Source: Before the King's Daughters: The Filles à  Marier, 1634-1662 by Peter J. Gagné. Pawtucket, RI: Quinton Publications, 2002. pp 13-38]

Friday, August 22, 2014

Claude Bouchard and Noelle Toushard

Claude Bouchard dit Le Petit (1626 - 1699)
8th great grandfather of wife
daughter of Claude Bouchard dit Le Petit
son of Genevieve Bouchard
daughter of Antoine Tremblay
daughter of Marie Marguerite Tremblay
daughter of Marguerite Laforest dit Labranche
son of Cecile Arcouet
daughter of Alexandre Desjarlais
child of Théotiste Desjarlais
daughter of Achille Ovila Gervais
daughter of Gladys Gervais

Taken from:

"Le Petit" Claude

Claude Bouchard, son of Jacques Bouchard and Noelle Touschard, was born in Saint-Cosme-de-Vair, France, in 1626. Saint-Cosme-de-Vair was a community in the Department of the Sarthe, in Perche, and comprised seven parishes. Claude considered himself to be from the parish of Notre-Dame. He died on November 25, 1699 at the age of 73.

There were actually 6 or 7 different Bouchards who came to Canada (New France) in the seventeenth century. Two of them were named "Claude" Bouchard. One of these was a doctor (a surgeon) who came from Picardy.

In order to differentiate the two the doctor was referred to as "Claude dit d'Orval" and the other as "Le Petit Claude". This latter listed his occupation as tailor (un Taileur d'habits). His surname, which means "The Small Claude", must have been because he was of smaller stature than the other Claude. This nickname, however, certainly was not merited when it came to his progeny, having 12 children of his own (6 boys and 6 girls) as a result of his union with Louise Gagne, whom he married in Beaupre in 1654. Fortunate indeed that he had 12 children, as my ancestor was the twelfth child in the family.

His coming to New France

In order to understand the occasion of Claude's coming to New France (Canada) one needs to have at least a brief understanding of the colony and how the powers in France at the time (Louis XIII and Louis XIV, along with the latter's Minister for the colonies Jean Baptiste Colbert) went about the business of colonizing the new land.

From the beginning of the colony it was intended that the social order in New France should rest upon a seignorial basis. This was a system of land tenure, a method of apportioning land and bringing it into production while avoiding the evils of speculation. Title to all the land in the colony rested in the king, who would grant concessions to seigneurs on the condition that they get their land cleared and made productive. This required, as part of their grant agreement with the crown, that the seigneurs enlist and establish settlers on their lands, as well as build a mill for the settlers' use, and also maintain a court of law to settle minor disputes.

A seigneur was not a landlord as we understand that term today. He had obligations and responsibilities both to the crown and to his settlers, and the authorities saw to it that he fulfilled them. The same applied to the settlers. The seigneur was actually little more than a land settlement agent and his financial rewards were not great. Being a seigneur was still something to be eagerly sought after since it gave one greatly enhanced social status, and this was manifested in a variety of ways.

For their part these settlers, or "censitaires" as they were known (although "habitants" is what they preferred to call themselves), were required to clear the lands granted them by the seigneurs, and were also obligated to pay modest dues (rents) in return. There were other modest requirements imposed on the settlers in return for the land concessions, which could be revoked if one did not fulfill his obligations. A settler could eventually own his concession to the point where he could even sell it, although if he sold it to anyone other than a direct heir he had to pay 1/12 of the sale price to the seigneur, and the latter also then had the right to buy the land at the price offered by the would-be purchaser within forty days of the sale. When land was sold, what the seller received was, in essence, not the worth of the land but compensation for the improvements he had made on it. This acted as a curb on land speculation.

One of the first seigneurs who fulfilled his trust to the letter was a named Robert Giffard. Monsieur Giffard, a doctor who had come to New France in 1627, was able to recruit several settlers beginning in 1632 (30 to 40 persons in 1632, and approximately the same number in 1635). Between 1635 and 1663 he was able to recruit an additional 50 or so persons, and this is where our Claude comes into the picture.

Claude Bouchard, a tailor, born in 1626, was from the Province of the Maine, a native of Saint-Cosme-de-Vair. As I understand it this place was actually in Perche, an area administered by the Province of the Maine at the time. His father was Jacques Bouchard and his mother was named Noelle Touschard. We know nothing of his youth except that he was a member of Notre Dame Parish in his home town. We do know that he made a living as a tailor (un Taileur d'habits).

We find Claude, in March of 1650, present at the White Horse Inn (Hotel du Cheval Blanc), situated on the road leading to Rouperoux, attending a conference being given by Monsieur Giffard who was looking for volunteers to emigrate to New France. Claude, and a friend named Julien Fortin, volunteered to go. They put their affairs in order and sometime after embarked for New France. It is recorded in a certain Jesuit journal that Monsieur Giffard's vessel arrived on the 14th of July, but does not give the year. It may have been 1650, but then some believe it was 1652. In any event, a sizeable group of Bouchards were present at the White Horse Inn, in Saint-Cosme-de-Vair in 1952, to unveil a plaque commemorating the 300th anniversary of the departure of their ancestor Claude Bouchard for New France.

I nonetheless accept as fact that Claude arrived in New France on July 14, 1650, because of other dates one comes accross in the telling of his story.

Upon arriving, Claude and his friend Julien went to the seigneury de Beauport (situated between where Quebec stands today and the Mount Morency Falls to the north) to secure food and lodging. It appears that Claude had come with some funds of his own (being his father's heir as well as an accomplished tailor) and had come to New France not as an indentured servant but rather under the protection of Monsieur Giffard with some freedom to travel, which he did. We next find him, on October 26, 1650, in the office of Oliver Letardif, agent for the seigneurie de Beaupre, for the purpose of buying a tract of land with one fifth of a mile fronting on the river and about five miles deep into the interior. This tract was located about three miles northeast of where the church of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre stands today. Three years later, on October 1, 1653, Claude wanted to sell this tract to a Louis Guimond, but the sale was not approved (as it had to be, by the royal charter company) until October 1, 1657, for which he received 600 livres, a fair sum in its day, which amounted to approximately $1,200 in 1968 Canadian currency.

His Wife, Louise Gasnier, born on January 21, 1642 in S Martin d'Inge, Orne, France, was not yet a teen-ager when, on October 30, 1653, at the home of her parents, a Notary by the name of Aubert read a contract of marriage between Claude Bouchard and Louise, a minor. Louise was born in the region of Perche in France, the eldest daughter of Louis Gasnier and Marie Michel. Perche was a region located in the general area between Chartres and Alencon, some 50 to 75 miles west-southwest of Paris. The church nuptial blessing of Claude and Louise was delayed until May 25, 1654, taking place at the home of her parents who were then living in Quebecville. The blessing was given by Father Paul Ragueneau, a Jesuit priest who had come over from France in 1636 with other missionaries (including Isaac Joques who died a martyr at the hands of the Iroquois on October 18, 1646).Claude and Louise first settled at Sainte-Anne de Beaupre, living near her parents. On July 30, 1657, Claude signed a 6-year lease on some land at Saint-Charles of Cap Tourmente, in the Seigneurie de Beaupre just north-east of Sainte-Anne. Claude and Louise moved there, and it was while they were living there that their first child, a daughter named Marie, was born on October 27, 1659 when Louise was 17.

In October of 1661 Claude and Louise are forced to leave the area in haste and abandon their farm because of Iroquois incursions on their land. The Iroquois (mostly bands of Mohawks and Oneidas) had been terrorizing the region since June of that year. The family takes refuge at Chateau Richer, below Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, and does not return to the farm for several years. Their next four children are born at the Chateau. Louise's father disappears very mysteriously one day, probably abducted by savages.
Claude and Louise eventually returned to the Cap Tourmente area after the Iroquois problems had subsided following the arrival of a regiment of regular soldiers from France. Claude is listed in the census of 1666 as having a wife and four children living at Cap Tourmente, with the widow Gasnier (Louise's mother) and her children living nearby. The following year the census taker noted that Claude Bouchard owned 7 head of livestock and had 8 arpents of land under cultivation (one arpent being approximately equal to five-sixths of an acre).

We next find Claude, in 1675, anxious to again make a move. He sells some land and obtains 12 arpents of frontage land at Petite Riviere. He then obtains additional land in 1676 in the same area. Furthermore, Claude is commissioned by the Lord Bishop to explore an area called Saint-Aubin which was in the domain of Baie Saint-Paul. He then lived in the Baie Saint-Paul area for a while. It appears that he finally settled his family in the area of Petite Riviere at a place called Cap a Maillard.

Claude and Louise had 12 children, six boys and six girls. The baptisms of Rosalie, Claude Junior, and Louis are all recorded at Saint-Anne-de-Beaupre, which attests to the fact that the family, during the period of 1676-1680, lived somewhere in the area of the Seigneurie de Beaupre. One thing for certain is that Antoine, my ancestor, was baptized at Baie Saint-Paul by Father Louis Soumande on October 25, 1682.
Of the six boys which Claude and Louise had, only three survived into adulthood (Jacques died in a drowning accident at age 18, with Gilles and Claude Junior having died in infancy). The three who survived, Francois, Louis and Antoine, are the ones who gave us many descendants, the three having had eighteen, five, and eleven children respectively. Before his death, Claude, wanting to make a distribution to his children, on October 19, 1698, passed to his surviving sons ten arpents each of land fronting on the river. Louise, in March of 1700, deeded some prairie land to each of her sons in law, Rene Lavoye, Michel Tremblay, and Etienne Simard. Louise outlived her husband by some 22 years. She was 79 at the time of her death in April of 1721.

Their Children
1.    Marie
Born: October 27, 1659 in Quebec
Died: April 29, 1739
Marie became a nun, entering the Congregation of Notre Dame at Montreal where she took the name of Sister Saint Paul, taking her vows on August 5, 1698.
2.    Jacques
Born: September, 1662 in Chateau Richer
Died: December 12, 1680 at Chateau Richer
Jacques died in a drowning accident at Chateau Richer at age 18
3.    Gilles
Born: March 8, 1664 in Chateau Richer
Died: March 22, 1664 at Petit Cap
Died in infancy
4.    Marguerite
Born: October 15, 1665 at Chateau Richer
Died: April 6, 1731 at Baie S Paul
Marguerite married twice, first to Rene de Lavoye at Saint Anne de Beaupre on November 4, 1683, and then (date unknown) to Jean Gagnon. It is recorded that Marguerite and Rene had ten children
5.    Louise
Born: 1668 at Chateau Richer
Died: December 8, 1696 at Petite Riviere
6.    Anne
Born: February 20, 1670 at Cap Tourmente
Died: April 8, 1731 at Chateau Richer
Anne married Louis Jobidon at L'Ange Gardien on November 20, 1690
They had five children
7.    Genevieve
Born: April 25, 1672 at S Anne de Beaupre
Died: March 23, 1754 at Petite Riviere
Genevieve married Michel Tremblay at Baie S Paul on June 20, 1686
They had fourteen children
8.    Francois
Born: April 8, 1674 at Cap Tourmente
Died: October 12, 1756 at Petite Riviere
Francois married Marguerite Simard, sister of Madeleine Simard (married to Antoine) at Baie S Paul on June 15, 1699. It is recorded that Francois and Marguerite had eighteen children of their own.
9.    Rosalie
Born: April 6, 1676 at S Anne de Beaupre
Died: June 23, 1733 at Baie S Paul
Rosalie married Etienne Simard at Baie S Paul on November 22, 1695. Etienne was the brother of both Madeleine (married to Antoine) and Marguerite (married to Francois). Rosalie and Etienne had eleven children
10.   Claude
Born: October 14, 1678 at S Anne de Beaupre
Died: October 28, 1678 at S Anne de Beaupre
Died in infancy
11.   Louis
Born: April12, 1680 at S Anne de Beaupre
Died: November 17, 1727 at Montreal
Louis married twice, first to Suzanne Lefebvre on February 25, 1715 at Laprairie, and next to Francoise Dania-Daigneau on December 2, 1724, also at Laprairie. Louis and Suzanne had five children
12.    Antoine----2nd Generation
Born: October 15, 1682 at Petite Riviere
Died: June 24, 1759 at Baie S Paul

Antoine married Madeleine Simard (sister of Marguerite and also of Etienne) on November 20, 1704 at Baie S Paul. Antoine and Madeleine had eleven children. Antoine died while hiding in the woods in the area of Baie Saint-Paul where he and other neighbours had taken refuge to avoid the passage of the troops of the english General Wolfe who was conducting a terror campaign up and down the river in the hope of drawing out the french General Montcalm's troops out of their fortifications in Quebec. The tactic failed, but Wolfe was nonetheless successful the following September in defeating Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham above Quebec, which eventually resulted in the end of the Colony of New France in North America.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Family of Francois Seguin and Jeanne Petit

Francois Seguin dit Laderoute and Jeanne Petit were, as indicated below, the 8th great grandparents of my wife June.
Francois Seguin dit Laderoute (1644 - 1704)
8th great grandfather of wife
son of Francois Seguin dit Laderoute
daughter of Joseph Seguin dit Laderoute
daughter of Marie Anne Jeanne Seguin dit Laderoute
son of Marie Francoise Mesny
son of Louis Billiau dit Lesperance
son of Olivier Billiau dit Lesperance
daughter of Olivier Lesperance
daughter of Marie Josephine Lesperance
daughter of Émilie (Millie) Meloche

daughter of Gladys Gervais

Francois Seguin (4 Jul 1644, St Aubin-en-Bray, France - c. 1701, Quebec) married Jeanne Petit (1656, LaRochelle, France - 29 Mar 1733, Longueuil, Quebec) on Monday, 31 Oct 1672, at the Church of Ste Famille, Boucherville, Quebec.

The following is an extract from the register of baptisms, marriages, and burials of the parish of St Aubin-en-Bray, at St Aubin-en-Bray, France, and gives the date of Francois' baptism and the names of his parents and godfather and godmother:

Francois Seguin fils de Laurent Seguin et de Marie Massieu a este [le] 4e jour de juillet 1644 et a pour son parrein Francois Oudin et pour sa marreine Jehanne Dufour.

An account of Francois Seguin's life continues with the excerpt previously mentioned as being authored by Robert-Lionel Seguin.

Francois Seguin, who is six years of age at the time of his mother's death, will be taken in by his maternal grandparents with whom he lives until old enough to choose a trade. At that time [Dec 1644], troops are being levied by [the] regiment de Carignan for service in Nouvelle France [New France] to wage war against the Iroquois Indian Nation composed of Mohawks, Oneidas, Sencecas, Onandagas, and Cayugas]. Francois, who is 20 years of age, joins the company of Monsieur [Captain Pierre] de St Ours [1640-1724] and embarks aboard the St Sebastien [ship] [on 13 May 1665 at LaRochelle], landing at Quebec, on 12 Sep 1665. The soldiers of that company will spend the following winter at the fort of Saurel (Sorel), at the mouth of the Richelieu River.

After three years of war, the company is finally discharged. As a reward, the officers are granted land with the title of seigneurs. Monsieur de St Ours [Sieur de L'Echaillon] was allocated a seigneurie on the Richelieu River and Francois Seguin obtains a fief on his officer's land. Later, Monsieur de St Ours, who finds he has financial trouble in his seigneurie, is designated by the governor to levy troops for the defense of Montreal [known at that time as Ville Marie] and he reorganizes his company. Many of his former soldiers join him, including Francois, who is still unmarried. He remains in garrison with his company for a few months but then returns to his farm at St Ours. [On 14 Sep 1671, at Boucherville, Francois leases for two years, a piece of land 50 arpents in area, belonging to Robert Henry. He also acquires a house to live in on the condition that he cut and clear two arpents of the land per year.] By trade, Francois was a weaver as were most of the residents of Beauvais, his native province. Therefore, whenever his farm work allows him free time and whenever there is a demand by the local peasants for his trade, he works as a weaver.

He must have dreamed of settling along the St Lawrence River because on 22 Sep 1672, he exchanges his farm at St Ours for that of Pierre Chaperon in Boucherville. [The new farm consists of two arpents in frontage by 25 arpents deep, and four square arpents have already been cleared. It is bordered on either side by the lots of Gilbert Guilleman dit Duvaillars, former surgeon of the Carignan Regment, and Pierre Bourgery. On this same occasion, for the price of 85 livres, he also purchases a lot of one square half-arpent on which is situated a "barn which is found built there."] The deed is signed before the notary Thomas Frerot and it is followed by the sale of two or three lots from that same farm. His business transactions still leave him some time to do some socializing.

In fact, visiting a fille du roi, living with the Sisters of the Congregation, takes some of his time. Her name is Jeanne Petit, daughter of Jean Petit and of Jeanne Godreau, native of the parish St Marguerite in the [western port] city of La Rochelle [France].

On 10 Feb, 1671, several months before the arrival of a new ship carrying eligible young women, Colbert writes to Talon, informing him:

I have also ordered that you be sent certification of the places where the girls are from, which will clearly make known that they are free and of marriageable state.

Jeanne Petit, the daughter of Jean Petit and Jeanne Gaudreau, in our family genealogy, was one of these "Daughters of the King". Born in 1656, she was from the parish of Ste Marguerite in the town of LaRochelle, in the historic province of Aunis on the west coast of France. Possibly she was from a poor family but both she and her parents saw an opportunity for her to better herself through the king's dowry, or perhaps she was an orphan as some of the young women were. During the year 1671, Jeanne was one of 125 women to make the voyage across the Atlantic, and was among the 19 who went to the Montreal region. After her arrival in Quebec on the ship L'Esperance, Jeanne likely was taken in under the protectorship of the Montreal-based Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame (who had arrived in 1653 under Soeur Marguerite Bourgeoys), until a prospective husband might propose to her. It is unlikely that the Ursuline Nuns (who had arrived in 1636 and were under the direction of Soeur Marie Guyard de Incarnation) cared for her since they were based in Quebec City.

Francois must have met Jeanne during this period and developed a love interest in her because on Wednesday, 21 Sep 1692, a marriage contract was drawn up between the two of them by the notary, Thomas Frerot. This was done the day before he exchanged his farm at St Ours for the one in Boucherville. It becomes apparent that Francois met and courted Jeanne, proposed marriage to her, had the contract drawn up, and then made the exchange of farms with the intent of settling in Boucherville with his future bride. The unusual aspect of their engagement is that when the filles du roi arrived in Quebec and were allowed to disembark in groups at Quebec City, Trois Rivieres, and Montreal, they were normally married within two weeks. This quick matrimonial process occurred because the women would be taken during that period to a hall where they could be observed and addressed by the soldiers or habitants. The filles du roi however, would question the men as to whether they had land, if any of it had been cleared, and if they owned livestock. The women held the upper hand and made the final decision as to whether they would consent to marriage. Since Jeanne was born in 1656 and arrived in 1671, but did not become engaged until Sep 1672, one might speculate that she was sheltered by the nuns for at least a nine month period until she turned 16.

The original marriage contract is on file in the Judicial Archives of Montreal and reads in French (complete with spelling errors):

[Signatures or the marks of the persons in attendance who are named above appear at the bottom of the document. Francois initially signs his name simply as "Laderoute" but draws a line through it and then writes
"Francois Seguin."]

One month and ten days following the notarization of the marriage contract (similar to a marriage license application and a promise to marry), the wedding day arrives. Seven years have passed since Francois first landed in Nouvelle France as a soldier with the Carignan Regiment. On 31 Oct 1672, Francois Seguin dit Laderoute, the son of Laurent Seguin and Marie Massieu, marries Jeanne Petit, daughter of Jean Petit and Jeanne Gaudreau. The ceremony is performed by a missionary priest, Fr Pierre de Caumont, at Ste Famille (Holy Family) parish in Boucherville, Quebec. According to Laforest, typically when a filles du roi would marry, "...the newly married couple was given 50 livres to buy provisions, plus an ox and a cow, two pigs, a pair of chickens, two barrels of salt meat, and 11 crowns of money. This was supposed to give the newlyweds a start. Together this couple of Francois and Jeanne forms Generation II of the Seguin family line.

The parish register of Ste Famille carries the marriage entry:

In the year of Our Lord, 1672, the 3lst of the month of October, after the proclamation of banns during three feast days at the celebration of the parish mass, having met no impediments, Pierre de Caumont, a missionary priest doing curial functions at Boucherville, after having done the necessary requests and interrogations to Francois Seguin, inhabitant of Boucherville, son of Laurent Seguin and of Marie Massieu, parish of Dombre in Picardie, diocese of Beauvais, and to Jeanne Petit, daughter of Jean Petit and of Jeanne Gaudreau, Ste Marguerite parish, town and diocese of LaRochelle, after having received their mutual consent, I, Pierre de Caumont, a missionary priest, married them in presence of known witnesses. /s/ Boucher, Remy, Jean la Fond

[The signatures of three witnesses who are present - Boucher, Remy, and Jean la Fond - appear at the bottom of the document. Seigneur Pierre Boucher for whom Boucherville is named and his wife, Jeanne Crevier, are notable witnesses to the ceremony, and shows the consideration he had for Francois.]

On 25 Jan 1673, Francois sold the land he had acquired from Pierre Chaperon to Francois Senecal, a servant of seigneur Boucher. On this farm was "a house not completed." On 4 Apr 1673, Seigneur Boucher listed the 38 land grantees and Francois figured among them. He lived on a piece of land of 50 arpents (2 x 25 mentioned earlier), flanked by the lands of Jacques Menard and Pierre Martin. On 2 Jun 1675, Francois leased from Francois Pillet "a four year old brown cow valued at 60 lvres, which required Francois to feed the cow and any offspring and to pay Mr Pillet 12 livres per year. In the census of 1681, Francois declares his occupation to be a weaver, and with his wife, gives the names and ages of their first four children. On 10 Oct 1683, he leased a cow belonging to Denis Veronneau. On 24 Nov 1698, Francois sold his concession of 50 arpents [with a poor building upon it] to Jean Baptiste Lamoureux for 850 livres. Apparently immediate payment was made in 400 livres in playing card money, 200 in assorted merchandise, and 60 by the value of 20 minots of wheat. The remainder was due on the next feast of St Jean Baptiste, 24 Jun 1699. (The feast of St Jean Baptiste must have been a major holiday then even as it is today in Quebec.) On 15 Apr 1700, Francois and Jeanne are granted by Madame de la Valtrie the privilege of living on a strip of wooded land on the Ile Grosbois, along the channel. It is two arpents wide and deep [as far as the tip of the island, across from l'ile aux Raisins.] Francois, in addition to giving two work days each autumn, was required to take care of the donor's two cows. He and Jeanne lived together on this land until death. Francois originally was thought to have died 9 May 1704 in Montreal and buried on 10 May 1704 under the name of Pierre Seguin. Later research however, disclosed that marriage contracts of his daughter, Marie Madeleine, to Antoine Marie dit Ste Marie on 20 Nov 1700 (when Francois is shown as absent due to health reasons), and daughter, Marie Jeanne, to Joseph Robidou on 10 Oct 1701 (when Jeanne Petit is listed as a widow) prove that he did not die in 1704, but rather in the period of 20 Nov 1700 - 10 Oct 1701. His place of burial is unknown.

On 19 Mar 1713, Jeanne gave the concession of the Ile Grosbois, which she and Francois had originally received in Apr 1700, to Marie Anne Margane, the widow of Ignace Boucher. Jeanne then moved to Lachenaie to live with the third oldest of her children, Francois, who was 35 years old and married to Marie Louise Feuillon. Jeanne died on Sunday, 29 Mar 1733, and was buried in Longueuil, a community on the east side of Montreal.

On an interesting note, the author, Thomas J. Laforest, states in his book, Our French-Canadian Ancestors (Volume XXV):

When Pierre de Saint-Ours, former officer of the Carignan Regiment, drew up his will in 1704, he bequeathed "in case of death" 400 livres to the soldiers whom he had previously commanded. The name of Francois was mentioned in the list of beneficiaries. The seigneur died in 1724. [It is apparent that Saint-Ours was unaware of Francois' death which had already occurred around 1701.]


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Les premiers colons de Québec.

Texte de la plaque
Les premiers colons de Québec.


Ils ont été à la peine: qu'ils soient à l'honneur.

Louis Hébert (1617)-Marie Rollet;
Guillaume Couillard (1618)-M.-Guillemette Hébert;
Abraham Martin-Marguerite Langlois;
Nicolas Marcolet-Marie Le Barbier;
Nicolas Pivert-Marguerite Lesage;
Pierre Desportes-Françoise Langlois;
Étienne Jonquest-Anne Hébert;
Olivier Le Tardif-Louise Couillard;
Jean Nicolet-Marguerite Couillard;
Noël Morin-Hélène Desportes;
Noël Langlois-Françoise Garnier;
Guillaume Hubou-Marie Rollet;
Robert Giffard (1634)-Marie Renouard;
Guillaume Fournier-Marie Fse Hébert;
Jean Guyon-Mathurine Robin;
Jean Guyon-Madeleine Boulé;
Jean Bourdon-Jacqueline Potel;
François Marguerie-Louise Cloutier;
Zacharie Cloutier-Xaintès Dupont;
Jean Côté-Anne Martin;
Gaspard Boucher-Nicolas Le Maire;
Philippe Amyot-Anne Convent;
Jean-Paul Godefroy-Madeleine Le Gardeur;
Jean-Baptiste Godefroy-Marie Le Neuf;
Mobin Boucher-Perrine Mallet;
Sébastien Dodier-Marie Bonhomme;
Pierre de la Porte-Anne Voyer;
Jean Juchereau-Marie Langlois;
Jean Sauvaget; Anne Dupuis;
Guillaume Isabel-Catherine Dodier;
Robert Drouin-Anne Cloutier;
Louis-Henri Pinguet-Louise-Boucher;
Pierre Delauney-Françoise Pinguet;
François Aubert-Anne Fauconnier;
Pierre Le Gardeur (1638)-Marie Favery;
Charles Le Gardeur-Geneviève Juchereau;
Jacques Le Neuf-Marguerite Le Gardeur;
Robert Caron-Marie Crevet;
François Bélanger-Marie Gagnon;
Claude Poulin-Jeanne Mercier;
Jacques Hertel-Marguerite Marguerie;
Antoine Brassard-Françoise Méry;
Étienne Racine-Marguerite Martin;
RMaheu-Marguerite Corriveau;
Jacques Maheu-Anne Convent;
Louis Sédillot-Marie Grimoult;
François de Chavigny-Eléon. de Grandmaison.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Map of France

The city of Alençon is located in the department of Orne of the french region Basse-Normandie. The city of Alençon is located in the district of Alençon.

The city of Caen is located in the department of Calvados of the french region Basse-Normandie. The city of Caen is located in the district of Caen.

The village of Feings is located in the department of Orne of the french region Basse-Normandie. The town of Feings is located in the township of Mortagne-au-Perche part of the district of Mortagne-au-Perche.

The village of Igé is located in the department of Orne of the french region Basse-Normandie. The town of Igé is located in the township of Bellême part of the district of Mortagne-au-Perche.

The village of Randonnai is located in the department of Orne of the french region Basse-Normandie. The town of Randonnai is located in the township of Tourouvre part of the district of Mortagne-au-Perche..

The city of Rouen is located in the department of Seine-Maritime of the french region Haute-Normandie. The city of Rouen is located in the district of Rouen.

  The village of Tourouvre is located in the department of Orne of the french region Basse-Normandie. The town of Tourouvre is located in the township of Tourouvre part of the district of Mortagne-au-Perche.

The village of Y is located in the department of Somme of the french region Picardie. The town of Y is located in the township of Ham part of the district of Péronne.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Le Perche


With extracts from by Jerry Lesperance

The Perche region ... is the origin of a large number of 17th Century settlers in Quebec. ...

Perche, located 100 miles west of Paris, has always been a Region. It has never been an official Province or a Department of France. It was created in 1115 when the comte of Mortagne was combined with the seigneuries of Nogent and Belleme. The main city is Mortagne. Before the Revolution it was part of the Province of Normandie. In 1799 when the 34 provinces of France were changed to 96 departements, Perche was included mostly within the Department of Orne but small parts of Perche lie within the current departements of Eure-et-Loir, Eure, Sarthe and Loir-et-Cher   The parishes of St. Jean in Mortagne and St. Aubin in nearby Tourouvre accounted for a disproportionately large number of emigrants to Quebec. Fifty-three came from Mortagne and 45 came from Tourouvre.

Perche is a pastoral area consisting mainly of gently rolling farmland but, unlike much of France, it is blessed with some beautiful forests. It also benefits from a number of rivers and streams. It is not a particular popular tourist destination today because most visitors to France are looking for things that Perche does not offer.

It has been difficult for me (Jerry) to find the population and geographical size of Perche because it is not an “official” political subdivision of France. I would guess that the total population of Perche today is less than 200,000. Several of the larger cities today are: Nogent-le-Rotrou with 11,524 people; Mortagne-au-Perche 4,943; St-Cosmes-de-Vair 3,263; Belleme 1997; Tourouvre 1,662; and Logny-au-Perche. 1,625. I estimate the land area to be about 1,200 square miles, or about the size of Rhode Island.       

M. and Mme. Pierre MONTAGNE of Perche, both deceased, have researched the emigration which occurred primarily in the 1640’s and 1650’s. She reminds us that the King of France was offering incentives for his people to settle in New France. One incentive was the establishment of a group called La Compagnie des Cent Associes” (The Company of One Hundred Associates” who were to create seigneuries in Quebec that could be subdivided and conceded to qualified immigrants. The apothecary and surgeon, Robert GIFFARD of Autheil in Perche, was the first to acquire a Quebec seigneury. His seigneurie was in the area presently called Montmorency County, east of the city of Quebec, with Chateau-Richer and L’Ange-Gardien, as two of the main communities. GIFFARD enlisted the aid of the brothers Jean and Noel JUCHEREAU of Tourouvre to recruit people in the area for migration to Quebec. One historian has said that Noel was one of the hundred associates. In any case Noel spent much of his time in Perche doing the actual recruiting and contracting of emigrants. Jean spent most of the time in the Province of Quebec on the receiving end of the migration. Apparently another JUCHEREAU, Pierre, was active in France in readying the emigrants. The emigrants were often hired for a period of three years. Thus they were called “Les 36 Mois”. Most of the recruits were bachelors. They were to be paid from 40 to 120 livres per year. In addition they were provided transportation to Nouvelle France and were to receive some land. Most were unskilled and illiterate.

Madame MONTAGNE tells us that Perche was not a poor area. People had the resources in Perche to acquire food and shelter. She suggests that it was the desire to try the unknown or to make a new start in another world that attracted some of the residents to sign the contract. Most of the immigrants stayed in Quebec although their contract provided for them to be returned to France after the terms of their employment in Quebec were fullfilled. On the other hand, I have reviewed the Quebec stay of thirty-nine Percheron men and two women who executed contracts before the Tourouvrain notary CHOISEAU in the years 1646 through 1651. Jette tells us only fourteen of these forty-one people permanently settled in Quebec. Incidentally the salaries of the two women were at the very low end of the scale. 

The typical emigrant was a 37-1/2 year old illiterate bachelor from the Seigneury or Canton of Tourouvre who was a laborer or carpenter and who signed a 36 month engagement to work in New France.

The Perche pioneers were also prolific. L’Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques of the University of Montreal published “Naissance d’une Population” in 1987 which provided a lot of demographics concerning the Quebec pioneers prior to 1730. Among other lists the publication presented the ranking of the pioneers by the number of descendants they had prior to 1730, roughly three generations after their arrival in Quebec. In the top ten in Quebec there were: first  Jean GUYON & Mathurine ROBIN with 2,150 descendants; second Zacharie CLOUTIER & Sainte DUPONT  2,090; fourth  Marin BOUCHER with Julienne BARIL & Perrine MALLET 1,454; fifth Noel LANGLOIS & Francoise GRENIER  with 1,388 and tenth Nicolas PELLETIER & Jeanne de VOUZY with 939.

Most of the following list of Percheron/Percherones came from an unpublished document by Jean-Francois HUBERT-ROULEAU. Although written in Perche, it is evident that some of the author’s material came from Jette. For instance, the occupation and titles such as Seigneur of a person may have been the person’s status in New France.

I don’t pretend that the following is a complete list of immigrants from Perche as well as areas of Orne that are not within Perche. In abbreviated format I’ve provided when known: Name of emigrant; Occupation; accompanying family members; origin (usually the place where born); place and year of departure from France; Contract Length; Annual Salary in pounds; Whether could sign name or couldn’t sign name; Marital status; and name, place and year of marriage of single women; and page of Jette where the person can be found. If an immigrant the person is shown as “Not in Jette”, there is a high probability that the person returned to France after his or her 36- or 60-month contract was completed. I’ve indicated when death was in France if that information was available.

ALOGNON, Pierre (Laborer) departed from Tourouvre. 24 mo. contract 11 Mar 1647 notary CHOISEAU.  Annual salary 60 pounds. Received a pair of shoes, a hat and a homespun cloak. Single. Couldn’t write his name. Not in Jette.
AUBIN, Michel (Domestic) departed from Tourouvre. Single. Jette p21.
BARRE, Jacques (Soldier) from Argentan  (In Orne but not Perche). Jette p52.
BEAUVAIS, Jacques (Chaufronier) from Ige. Jette p70.
BELANGER, Jacques (Mason) from Sees (In Orne but not in Perche). Departed 1636 Jette p 76.
BERMEN, Claude (Judge) departed La Ferte Vidame 1662. Cousin of Jean JUCHEREAU. Jette p89.
BISSON, Florent from Contres; with wife Jeanne YVON & children Mathurine & Michel departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Brother of Gervais BISSON; Father-in-Law of  Simon ROCHERON. Jette p107.
BISSON, Gervais (Domestic) from Contres; with wife Marie LEREAU & children Gervais & Antoine departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Jette p107.
BOISSEL, Jacques (Mason) with wife Marie ERIPEL from the diocese of Chartres (may not be in Perche),departed about 1639.   Jette p121.
BOISSON, Jean (Gunsmith) with wife Jacqueline CHAMBOY, sisters Mathurine & Barbe , & daughters Louise & Jeanne (became a nun) departed Mortagne. Jette p932
BOUCHARD, Claude (Tailor) departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Jette p132.
BOUCHER, Gaspard ( Woodworker) with children Pierre, Nicolas, Marie & Marguerite and related to Marin, departed Mortagne 1634. Jette p136.
BOUCHER , Marin (Mason) with 2nd wife Periine MALLET & children Francois, Louis-Marin & Jean-      Galleran, departed Mortagne 1634/5. Jette p135/6.
BOULAY, Robert with wife Francoise GRENIER & daughter Jacqueline departed Loise 1662. Jette p145.
BOYER Barbe from St-Maurice les Charencey. Married  Paul CARTIER in Quebec in 1673. Jette p205
BRUNET, Mathieu from Tourouvre or L’Aigle. Departed France in 1667. Jette p180
CHABOT, Marie departed Randonnai.   Jette p214.
CHASTEL, Thomine, widow of Jean BIGOT, with children Francoise & Jean departed La Ventrouze. Jette p100.
CHATEL, Michel departed Randonnai. Son-in-law of Aubin LAMBERT. Jette p239   
CHAUDON, Philibert departed Tourouvre 1647. 36 mo. contract 19 Mar 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 90 pounds. Couldn’t sign his name. Married. Not in Jette.
CHAUVIGNY (PELTRIE), Marie-Madeleine de Dame de la, departed Bivilliers 1639. Founded the  Ursulines.  Jette p241.
CHAUVIN, Marin  departed Tourouvre 1648. 36 mo. contract 6 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 40 pounds, 10 in advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Jette p241.
CHEMIN, Jean departed Randonnai 1647. 36 mo. contract 1 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 66 pounds. 15 pound advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
CHEVALIER Charlotte, widow of Jacques GAUDRY, with sons Nicolas & Jacques, departed Feings 1651-3. Jette p472.
CLOUTIER, Zacharie (Carpenter) with wife Sainte DUPONT and children Zacharie, Jean, Anne, Charles, & Louise departed Mortagne 1634. Jette p259.
COCHEREAU, Pierre from Renouard. Returned to France. Jette p262
COSNARD, Martin departed Randonnai 1648. Furnaceman. 36 mo. contract 2 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 60 pounds, 15 in advance. Didn’t know how to sign his name. Not in Jette.
COTE, Jean departed 1635 probably Mortagne. Jette p.273.
COURBIER, Guillaume from Alencon (not in Perche), departed LaRochelle 1722. Jette p283.
CRETE or CRESTE, Jean (Master cartwright) and his wife Marguerite GAULIN departed Tourouvre 1649. Jean was nephew of  Sebastien LEGRAND. Marguerite was sister of Francois & Pierre. 36 mo. contract 18 Mar 1649 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 80 pounds. Could sign his name. Jette p292.
BIDARD, Marie from Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche). Married  Honore DANIS Montreal 1659. Jette p305.
DELAUNEY, Nicholas departed Toruouvre. Jette p 320.
DODIER, Jacques (Laborer) from Champaissant. Jette p355
DODIER, Sebastien (Carpenter) departed Ige alone. Returned to France then back to Quebec with  his wife      Marie BELHOMME, and children Catherine, Sebastien, & Marie departed  Ige 1643 or 1644.  Jette p355.
DROUET, Francois probably departed from Mortagne. Jette p362.
DROUET dit LAPERCHE, Francois (Navigator) departed Tourouvre .  Returned to France. Not in Jette.
DROUIN, Robert (tiler & bricklayer) departed Pin-la-Garenne 1634. Jette p362.
DUBOIS, Jean from Senonches departed France in 1648. 36 mo. contract 17 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 66 pounds. Couldn’t write his name. Returned to France. Not in Jette.
DUMORTIER, Madeleine departed Chemilly, district of Mortagne. Married Timothee ROUSSEL Quebec 1667. Jette p 1014.
DUROY, Pierre (Merchant & Boucher) from Roiville, district of Argentan, (Orne but not Perche). Jette p396.
DUTARTRE, Francois (Laborer) departed 1648  from Cherency 36 mo. contract 2 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 60, 15 in advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
DUTARTRE, Gilles (Gunsmith) departed from St-Sauveur de Belleme. Jette p397.
DUTEIL, Rene (Manual laborer) departed 1647 probably from Bubertre. 36 mo. contract 18 Feb 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 100 pounds. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
ENJOUIS, Pierre (Laborer) departed 1648 probably from Cherency. 36 mo. contract 2 Mar 1648 notary CHOISNEAU. Annual salary 66 pounds, 15 in advance. Could sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
FORESTIER, Jean  from Sees (In Orne but not in Perche. Jette p427.
FORGET, Nicolas  from Alencon, (In Orne not in Perche. Jette p428.
FORTIN, Julien from Notre-Dame-de-Vair. Jette p431.
FOURNIER, Guillaume from Coulimer, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p437.
FRONDIERE, Raoullin departed from Tourouvre 1647. 36 mo. contract 10 Apr 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 90 pounds. Received a pair of shoes. Couldn’t sign his name. Single.. Not in Jette.
GADOIS, Pierre (Merchant), with wife Louise MAUGER, & children Robert & Pierre departed Ige 1636. Jette p447.
GAGNE, Louis (Miller) from Ige, with wife Marie MICHEL  & daughter Louise departed Ige 1643-44. Jette pp447-8.
GAGNE, Pierre from Ige, with wife Marguerite ROSEE from St-Jacques, Jauze & sons Louis, Pierre & Nicholas departed Courcival 1652-3. Brother of Louis GAGNE. Jette p448
ROGER Renee, widow of Pierre GAGNON, departed La Ventrouze 1643. Children (see following) departed 1635. Jette p451.
GAGNON, Jean and brothers Pierre and Mathurin (sons of Pierre and Renee ROGER) departed La Ventrouze 1635. Jette p451.
GAGNON, Marthe, illegitimate daughter of Mathurin, departed La Ventrouze 1643 (possibly with her grandmother, Renee ROGER. Jette p453.
GAGNON, Robert, cousin of Jean, Pierre & Mathurin, nephew of Pierre the older departed La Ventrouze probably 1657. Jette p453.
GAGNON, Jacques (Soldier of the Marine) from Tourouvre. Not in Jette.
GARNIER, Francois from Notre-Dame-de-Vair. Jette p467.
GAULIN, Francois and brother Pierre departed St-Martin du Vieux-Belleme. Jette 274.
GERMAIN, Robert (shoemaker) from St-Sauver de Lonlay, district of Alencon (not in Perche). Jette p490.
GERVAIS, Marin from Champsecret, district of Alencon ( not in Perche). Jette p491
GIFFORD, Robert (Surgeon, Doctor, Apothecary), with wife Marie RENOUARD & daughter Marie-Francois departed Mortagne in 1634. Jette p494.
GIGUERE, Robert departed Tourouvre 1650-1. Jette p495.
GIRARD, Pierre from Bures, district of Alencon (not in Perche).  Jette p499.
GIROUX, Toussaint (Weaver) from Reveillon or Mortagne. Jette p502.
GIROUX, Charles from Mortagne. Jette p503.
GODE, Nicolas (Master carpenter) with wife Francoise GADOIS & children Francois, Nicolas, Francoise & Mathurin departed Ige 1641-2. Jette p508.
GODEAU nee JAHAN, Jeanne with daughter Francoise departed La Ventrouze. Jette p509.
GOULET, Jacques (Miller) from Normandel & wife Marguerite MEUNIER from La Potereie, departed La Poterie 1646. Jette p518.
GOYER, Mathurin departed Tourouvre 1648. Jette p522.
GRAVEL, Joseph-Masse departed Tourouvre or Mortagne. Jette p523.
GROS-AUBRY, Jacqueline from St-Pierre de Sees (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette 531.
GROUVEL-AUBERT, Jacqueline departed La Ventrouze. Jette p025.
GUIMOND, Louis (Laborer) departed Tourouvre 1647. Six year contract 18 Feb 1647, Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 40 Pounds. Received pair of shoes & a serge suit. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Jette p546.
GUILLEBOURG, Charles (Laundryman) departed Tourouvre 1645. Jette p542.
GUYON, Jean (Mason & Surveyor) with son Jean departed Mortagne 1634. His wife Mathurine ROBIN with their children Simon, Marie, Claude, Denis, & Nichel departed Mortagne 1636. Daughter Barbe departed Mortagne 1652 with her husbandPierre PARADIS & their 7 children. Jette p548.
HAYOT, Thomas (Tenant farmer) with wife Jeanne BOUCHER & children Genevieve & Rodolphe departed Mortagne 1636-8. Jette p560.
HERVIEUX, Isaac (Bourgeois) from Lonlay L’Abbaye, district of Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p568.
HOUDE, Louis (Mason) from Manou, district of Nogent-le-Rotrou. Jette p571.
HUAN, Martin (Locksmith) from Beaulieu.  36 mo. contract 9 April 1647notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 90 pounds. Could sign his name. Single. Jette p574.
HUBLIN, Nicolas departed Feings 1651. 60 month contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU. Annual    salary of 45 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Could sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
HUPPE, Michel (Hatter) from Alencon. (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p582.
JARRY, Eloi  (Cartwright) departed from Ige 1654. Jette p595
JUCHEREAU, Jean (Fur merchant, Seigneur) with wife Marie LANGLOIS and children Jean, Nicolas &   Genevieve, departed La Ferte Vidame 1634. Jette p612.
LAIGU, Rene (Soldier) from Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p631.
LAMBERT, Aubin departed Tourouvre about 1662. Cousin of Jacques GOULET and father-in-law of Michel CHATEL  Jette p637.
LANDE, Pierre (Manual Laborer) departed Ste-Ceronne du Boisey 1647. 6 yr. contract 7 Apr 1647 notary            CHOISEAU. Annual salary 78 pounds. 6 pound advance. Could sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
LANDRY, Guillaume departed La Ventrouze. Jette p 643.
LANGLOIS, brothers Jean (Pilot) & Noel from St-Leonard des Parcs, district of Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p645.
LAPORTE, Jacques departed Noce. Jette p650.
LARUE, Jean de from Breel, district of Argentan (not in Perche). Jette p658.
LEDUC, Jean (Lumberman), from Ige, departed La Rochelle 1644. Jette p683.
LEFEBVRE, Antoinette from Chanu, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Married Hilaire LIMOUSIN Quebec 1671. Jette p737.
LEFORT, Antoine departed Tourouvre. Jette p 694.
LEGRAND, Jacques from L’Aigle (In Orne but not in Perche) Jette p700.
LEGRAND, Sebastien (Domestic) departed Tourouvre 1643. Not in Jette.
LEHOUX, Jacques (Coalman) with children Jean & Francoise departed La Ventrouze.  Jette p 701.
LEHOUX, Francoise from La Ventrouze. 60 mo. contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 30 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Couldn’t sign her name. Single. Possibly daughter of Jacques; if so, she married Robert PARE 1653 in Quebec. 
LEMATIRE, Francois (Master tailor) from Flers (In Orne but not in Perche) departed from LaRochelle 1651. Jette p703.
LEMOYNE, Barthelemi (Surgeon) departed from Pin-la-Garenne  1634. 36 mo. contract. Cousin of Robert DROUIN. Not in Jette.
LEPAGE, Barthelemi from St-Germain d’Auray, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p715.
LEREAU, Simon departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Jette p718.
LE ROY, Jacques (Manual Laborer) from Sonchamp (Yvelines), 36 month contract 12 Feb 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 100 Pounds. Single. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
LESAGE, Louis (Domestic) from Loisal, district of Mortagne. Jette p722.
LESSARD, Etienne de from Chambois district of Argentan (not in Perche). Jette p724.
LETARTRE, Rene with wife Louise GOULET (step-sister of Jacques GOULET) and children Anne, Marie, Charles, Elizabeth, & Barbe, departed La Poterie. Jette p 726.
LEVEAU, Jacques from Chartres (In Orne but not in Perche). 36 month contract 17 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual Salary 66 pounds. Could sign his name. Not in Jette.
LOIGNON, Pierre (Manual Laborer) from Moussonvilliers, departed La Ventrouze 1647. Jette p 738.
LOYSEAU, Jacques (Domestic) departed Tourouvre 1647. 36 mo. contract 13 Apr 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 70 pounds, received 10 pound advance & pair of shoes. Could sign his name. Single. Jette p 738.
MABILLE, Francois (Lumberman) departed Tourouvre 1646. 60 mo. contract 19 Mar 1646 Notary CHOISEAU. Couldn’t sign his name. Annual salary 90 pounds. Married. Cousin of  Michelle MABILLE who married GUILAUME PELLETIER. Not in Jette.
MAHEU, Zacharie (Domestic & Mason) with son Rene from Mortagne, departed Reveillon. Jette p752.
MAHEU, Jacques departed Bubertie. Jette p752 .
MAHEU, Pierre from Mortagne, departed Feings 1651. Son-in-law of  Robert DROUIN. 60 mo. contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 45 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Could sign his name. Single. Jette p753.
MALENFANT, Jean (Laborer) departed Tourouvre 1647. 60 mo. contract 18 Feb 1647. Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 55 pounds. Received a pair of shoes. Single. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
MALLET, Denis (Wood carver; Cabinet-maker) from Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p759.
MANOVELY de REVEILLE, Marie-Genevieve from La Chapelle-Montligeon. Married Jean PELLETIER at Quebec in 1662. Jette p888.
MARAIS, Marin (Soldier) from Alencon (In Orne but not in Perche) departed 1665. Jette p761.
MAUFAY, Pierre from St-Cosme-de-Vair. Step brother of  Antoine ROUILLARD. Jette p270.
MERCIER, Jean (Laborer) departed St-Mard de Reno 1647. 36 mo. contract 9 Apr 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 55 pounds. Could not sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
MERCIER, Julien (Laborer) departed Tourouvre 1647. 60 month contract 5 Mar 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 75 pounds. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Jette p798.
MERY, Antoine (Manual Laborer) departed Tourouvre 1646. 36 mo. contract 29 Jan 1646 by Notary CHOISEAU.  Annual salary 100 Pounds. Received 52 pound advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
MORIN, Claire departed Mortagne 1634-6. Married Jamin BOURGUIGNON in Quebec 1636. Jette p154.
MOREL, Jacques (Soldier) from St-Font de Collieres, Sees  (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p832.
MONTCHEVREUL, Pierre de (Sergetier) departed Courgeost 1647. 36 mo. contract 9 Apr 1647 notary HOISEAU. Annual salary 80 pounds. Could sign his name. Married. Not in Jette.
NORMAND, Gervais (Carpenter) with wife Leonarde JOINEAULT, son Jean, and his brother Jean (Carpenter ) departed Ige. Jette p853.
NORMAND, Pierre (Master Knife-Sharpener) departed St-Martin du Vieux-Belleme. Nephew of Gervais & Jean. Jette p853.
NOURY, Jacques (Habitant) departed Feings 1651. 60 mo. contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU.
              Annual salary 50 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Single. Couldn’t sign his name.  Jette p 856.
PARADIS, Pierre (Cutlery Maker) with wife Barbe GUYON & children Marie, Jacques, Guillaume, Pierre & Jean departed Mortagne 1652. Jette p871.
PELLETIER, Guillaume (Merchant; Coal man) with wife Michele MABILLE, & son Jean departed Tourouvre 1641. Jette p887.
PELLETIER, Antoine from Bresolettes. Brother of Guillaume. Jette p888.
PEUVERT, brothers Francois & Jean-Baptiste (Notary) departed Belleme 1651. Jette p908.
PIAU, Pierre departed Tourouvre 1647. 36 mo. contract 18 Feb 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Received a suit. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
PINGUET, Henri (Merchant & Seigneur) with wife Louise LOUSCHE & children Francoise, Noel, & Pierre departed Tourouvre 1634. Jette p922.
PITOT, Pierre (Smelter) departed Randonnai 1647. 36 mo. contract 1 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU.  Annual salary 66 pounds, 15 in advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
POTIER, Louis (Laborer) departed Autheil 1648. 36 mo. contract 2 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 60 pounds, 15 in advance. Could sign his name. Not in Jette.
POULIN, Maurice (Procurer) from Villebedin, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p938.
POULIOT, Charles (Master Carpenter) departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Jette p940.
POUPAR, Jacques (Laborer) departed from Logny 1647. 36 mo. contract 17 Feb 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Single. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
PROVOST, Francois departed from Tourouvre. Jette p950.
PROVOST, Mathurin (Manual Laborer) departed from Tourouvre 1646. 36 mo. contract 5 Feb 1646            Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salaray 120 Pounds. Received 60 Pound advance. Couldn’t sign his name.   Single. Not in Jette.
RAGEOT, Gilles (Notary) departed from L’Aigle. Jette p961.
RIBAULT, Gervaise (Laborer) departed from Aulnou, Sees (not in Perche) 1648. 36 mo. contract 5 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 66 pounds, 15 in advance. Couldn’t sign his name. Not in Jette.
RIDAY, Jean (Master Shoemaker) from St-Jean des Murgers, La Loupe, district of Nogent-le-Rotrou. Jette p985.
RIVARD, Nicolas departed Tourouvre 1648. Brother of Robert. 36 mo. contract 6 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 66 pounds, 15 in adavance. Couldn’t sign his name. Jette p987.
RIVARD, Robert departed Tourouvre. Brother of Nicolas. Jette p987.
ROLLIN. Philippe (Soldier) from La Loupe. Jette p1005.
ROCHERON, brothers Simon & Gervais (Mason) departed St-Cosme-de-Vair. Brothers of Marie who       married Francois GAULIN.  Jette p1001/1002.
ROUILLARD, Antoine (Carpenter) departed Notre-Dame-de-Vair. Step brother of Pierre MAUFAY. Jette p1009.
ROULEAU, Gabriel (Habitant) departed Tourouvre. Jette p1011.
ROULOIS, Michel with wife Jeanne MALINE & daughters Madeleine & Jacqueline departed Notre-Dame-de-Vair. Jette p1012.
ROUSSIN, Jean (Farmer) with children Madeleine & Louise departed Tourouvre 1650. Two sons, Francois   & Nicolas departed 1647. Jette p1015.
ROUSSIN, Nicolas departed Tourouvre 1651. Son of Jean. 60 month contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 30 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Couldn’t sign his name. Single.  Jette p1015.
ROUSSIN, Francoise departed Tourouvre 1651. Daughter of Jean. 60 month contract 22 May 1651 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 20 pounds. Given a pair of shoes. Couldn’t sign her name. Single. Jette p1015.
ROY, Olivier from Fontenay-sur-Orne, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p1018.
ROYER, Jean from St-Cosme-de-Vair. Jette p1025.
SIGOUIN, Jean (Domestic) from La Ferte-Mace, district of Alencon  (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette    p1048.
SUPRENANT, Marin (Soldier) from St-Philibert sur Orne, district of Argentan (In Orne but not in Perche). Jette p1058.
SUPRENANT, Jacques (Soldier) possibly from St-Martin-du-Vieux-Belleme. Jette p.1058.
TAVERNIER (or LETAVERNIER), Eloi with wife Marguerite GAGNON from Tourouvre (daughter of    Renee GAGNON nee ROGER) & children Marguerite & Marie (became a nun) departed Randonnai probably 1643. Jette p1065.
TREHARD, Jean (Sergetier), departed Randonnai 1648. 36 mo. contract 2 Mar 1648 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 60 pounds, 15 in advance. Could sign his name. Not in Jette.
TREMBLAY, Pierre (Laborer) departed Randonnai 1647. Father-in-law of Nicolas ROUSSIN. 30 month contract 9 Apr 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 75 pounds. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Jette p1088.
TREMOND, Daniel (Sergetier) departed Tourouvre 1648. 36 mo. contract 26 Feb 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 55 pounds. Received a pair of shoes. Could sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
TROTTIER, Gilles (Laborer) with wife Catherine LOISEAU & sons Gilles, Julien, Antoine & Pierre all from Ige, departed La Rochelle 1646, Jette p1091.
TRUDEL, Jean (Weaver) departed Parfindeval. Jette p1096.
TURGEON, Charles with wife Pasquiere LEFEBVRE & children Marie-Claire, Jacques & Anne departed Mortagne 1662. Jette p1100.
VALIN, Charles (Soldier) departed Renalard. Not in Jette.
VIGNERON, Rene (Laborer) departed  L’Home-Chamondot 1647. 36 mo. contract 19 Mar 1647 notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 63 pounds. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.
VISAGE, Rene (Laborer) departed Tourouvre 1647. 36 mo. contract 18 Feb 1647 Notary CHOISEAU. Annual salary 50 Pounds. Received a pair of shoes. Couldn’t sign his name. Single. Not in Jette.