Tuesday, October 21, 2014

La Grande Recrue de 1653

The year 2003 marked the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Great Recruitment, the 100 or so men who came to save the fledgling colony, in Montreal. The same ship also carried a few women, including Jeanne Voidy, a fille a marier, and one of June's ancestors.

Much of their story is told here http://www.maisonsaint-gabriel.qc.ca/en/musee/chr-18.php and here

Of the men, the following are June's ancestors: Jean Auger dit le Baron, Isaac-Urbain Brossard, Pierre Chauvin dit Le Grande, Fiacre Ducharme dit Lafontaine, and Gilles Lauzon.

Some detail on the aforementioned is as follows.

Jeanne Voidy (Vedie)
Naissance: 1637 vers, Paroisse/ville: St-Germain-du-Val, Angers, Pays: France
Décès: 01 décembre 1708 - âge: 71, Paroisse/ville: Quebec, Pays: Canada
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Famille Jean Dumais et Jeanne Vedie au complet (12 enfants) vérifiée avec PRDH
Arrivée à Montréal le 16-11-1653
(CT 04-10 Closse) avec Jean Demers
Elle avait 16 ans lors de son mariage. Elle est arrivée en Nouvelle-France en compagnie de Marguerite Bourgeois, le 16 octobre 1653 à Montréal. Contrat de mariage passé devant Lambert Closse, le 4 octobre 1654. Elle fut inhumé le 3 dec. 1708 dans le cimetière de la paroisse notre-dame de québec,co.québec,sous le nom de jeanne voidi,veuve de feu jean dumets agée d'environ 75 ans,en présence de jean et rené dumets,jean brassard et autres. (Denise Evans)

Jean Auger dit le Baron
Occupation: Tissier, tanneur
Born: about 1621, Parish/City: Chemire-en-Charnie, Le Mans, Maine, Country: France
Death: 17 November 1697 - Age: 76, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Engagé La Flèche le 30-3-1653
Arrive seul le 16-11-1653, Montréal et sa femme et son fils arrivent plus tard

Isaac-Urbain Brossard
Occupation: Maitre macon
Christening: 04 January 1633, Parish/City: Faubourg St-Germain, La Fleche, Angers, Anjou, Sarthe, Country: France
Burial: 17 April 1710 - Age: 77, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Engagé le 12-4-1653 La Flèche
Arrivé le 16-11-1653 Montréal
(CT 03 Basset) avec Urbaine Hodiau
Fils de Mathurin et Michelle Bidaut mariés au Faubourg St-Germain, La Fleche, Angers, Anjou
Il est né dans le faubourg Saint-Germain-de-Val à La Flèche. Sa sœur Marie a été baptisée à La Flèche (St-Thomas) le 26-09-1635. Une autre soeur Françoise, née en 1646, a épousée Jean Hautreux à la Flèche (St-Thomas) le 25 février 1672.

Pierre Chauvin dit LeGrand
Occupation: Meunier
Born: about 1637, Parish/City: St-Vion, La Fleche, Maine,Country: France
Death: 04 August 1699 - Age: 62, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de René Chauvin et Catherine Avard
30 ans au recensement 1667
Engagé le 04-04-1653 à La Flèche et arrive à Montréal le 16-11-1653
CT 15 Basset avec Marthe Hautreux

Fiacre Ducharme dit Lafontaine
Occupation: Menuisier
Born: 1625, Parish/City: Paris, St-Benoit, Country: France
Burial: 17 March 1677 - Age: 52, Parish/City: Montreal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de Toussaint et Jacqueline Drouet

Fiacre Ducharme dit Fontaine was a master woodworker who married fille à marier Marie Pacreau in 1659. He also served as corporal the 18th squadron of Montreal’s Sainte-Famille militia.

Gilles Lauzon
Occupation: Chaudronnier
Born: about 1627, Parish/City: St-Julien, Caen, Calvados, Country: France
Burial: 21 September 1687 - Age: 60, Parish/City: Montréal, Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Fils de Pierre et Anne Boivin de St-Julien, Caen, Bayeux, Calvados, Normadie
Arrivé le 16-11-1653 Montréal
Sépulture PRDH

Monday, October 20, 2014

Life of Jean Valiquet

Jean Valiquet, June's 8th Great Grandfather


 Ville-Marie was founded in 1642, by the members of the Société Notre-Dame de Montréal. After ten years of effort, the existence of the colony is in danger and reinforcements are necessary in order to ensure its survival. Jeanne Mance persuades Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve, founder of Montreal, to go to France and recruit colonists to breathe new life into the colony. With the support of Jerome Royer, de Dauversière, a recruitment campaign takes place in Maine and Anjou, in particular in the area of La Flèche, in order to engage a minimum of 100 men. The objective was achieved.

Between May and March 1653, 117 men sign contracts of service for a period from three to five years towards the Compagnie de Montréal. On July 20, 1653, 102 of these men, accompanied by M. de Maisonneuve, embark from Saint-Nazaire, on the Saint-Nicolas de Nantes. Marguerite Bourgeoys and thirteen young women also form part of the travelers. This group of immigrants will, from now on, be known under the name of the Grande Recrue de 1653 (Great Recruit of 1653) by the Quebec genealogists. After a painful crossing, the ship lands in Quebec on September 22, 1653. On November 16, 1653, the Grande Recrue arrives at Ville-Marie.

The year 2003 marks the 350th birthday of this event which ensured the survival and the development of Ville-Marie. Several of these volunteers married and left descendants bearing today the evocative names of Cadieu, Deschamps, Livernois and several others. Within the rolls of the Grand Recrue de 1653, appear the ancestor of the Valiquette families.

Jean Valiquet, son of Jean Valiquet and Nicole Langevin, was baptized on July 14, 1632 in the parish of Saint-Vincent du Lude, county of La Sarthe, located 20 kilometers to the south-west of La Fleche in Anjou. He signed his contract of service on April 16, 1653, as a clearer and a ploughman for five years, with the expectation of annual wages of 80 livres.

After completing his contract, Jean Valiquet is establishes himself in New-France and practices his trade of metal worker and arms manufacturer, in support of cultivating grounds at Isle de Montreal and within Boucherville. he receives his first land concession, May 17, 1659. We can find in the solicitors records other transactions and contracts of acquisition of land during following years.

September 23, 1658 is celebrated the marriage of Jean Valiquet with Renee Loppé, daughter of Jean Loppé and Marie Desprez, natives of Saint-Jean de La Mothe, another locality of Anjou. From this union were born eight children between 1660 and 1676. Only four of them will live to the age of marriage. Pierre, progenitor of the line, marries Marie-Élisabeth Campeau, August 15, 1701. The three girls marry men bearing the names of Ledoux, Dupre and Martinbault. Renee Loppé dies before March 1679. She is thus saved from the scandal which strikes her husband, and especially his/her children. (did a daughter Helene also marry Jacques Pilet?)

September 7, 1679, Jean Valiquet is arrested for molestation by the bailliage of Montreal and condemned to be hung on the public place until dead. On 27 October, Valiquet appeals this sentence in front of the sovereign Council of Quebec. The reading of the minutes of the lawsuit describes the charges carried against Valiquet. Thus, "Valiquet declared is reached and convinced to have carnal copulation with the older[?] of his daughters, and to have made an attempt to seduce of others two ". November 21, 1679, thanks to the presentation of extenuating circumstances and with the testimony of Jacques Milot, his sentence is commuted to banishment with perpetuity from the island of Montreal. Moreover, all the goods of Valiquet are confiscated.

Valiquet becomes thus a wandering Canadian, living in the area of Quebec, in particular in Lauzon, where he works for other inhabitants. Between 1684 and 1688, in company of Pierre Houdan, he farms the land and fields of the Dauteuil seigniory. In 1692, he rents land from Jean-Baptist Céloron, located at Sainte-Marie. Jean Valiquet dies, penniless, August 20, 1696, in the Hospital of Quebec.